Returns & Exchanges

If you are not satisfied with your product or if it has any defect, you can return it free of charge or make an exchange.

Learn more about our returns and exchanges policy below.

  • Can I return my products?

    Yes, you can return your order in full or just part of it. If you are not fully satisfied or if there is any manufacturer error, you may return or exchange unused products in its original packaging within 30 days from when you received it, as long as it is unused and in good conditions.
  • Are all products returnable?

    It is possible to return any product, except customized items. We are unable to accept returns on monogrammed products.
  • How do I make a return?

    Steps to return an item:
    1. Login into your account on our website;
    2. Click on "orders";
    3. Choose the order you want to return;
    4. Click "Return / Exchange" on the bottom left corner;
    5. Follow the steps indicated on the website.

    If your return is a result of a manufacturer error, you will be refunded of all costs (including shipping & handling). If it is not a result of a manufacturer error you’ll get a refund excluding shipping costs.

  • How and when do I receive my refund?

    You can expect to receive your refund within 15 days of when Graccioza receives your return.

    The refunds will be made through the method chosen upon your refund request on our website: in the same form of payment originally used for the purchase or through a voucher code to use on our website.
